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Weekly question:

What are the minimum criteria for considering the time recording system eligible in Horizon 2020?

For persons who do NOT work exclusively for the action

The Beneficiary has to prepare timesheets (either on paper or in a computer-based) that must respect a minimum of 6 criteria and must be signed and dated at least monthly:

  1. the title and number of the action, as specified in the GA;
  2. the beneficiary’s full name, as specified in the GA;
  3. the full name, date and signature of the person working for the action;
  4. the number of hours worked for the action in the period covered by the time record;
  5. the supervisor’s full name and signature;
  6. a reference to the action tasks or work package (WP) described in Annex 1, to which the person has contributed by the reported working hours.

If the time-recording system is computer-based the Beneficiary must consider the following specific characteristics:

  1. electronic signatures linking the electronic identity data with the electronic validation data require a password and a user name;
  2. there is a documented and secure process for managing user rights and
  3. there is an auditable log of all electronic transactions.

For persons who work exclusively for the action

The Beneficiary must prepare a signed declaration per person regarding exclusive work for the action, which must be declared once per reporting period.

The declaration must confirm that the individual worked exclusively for the action, either: throughout the entire reporting period, or during an uninterrupted time period, spanning at least a full natural month within the reporting period.

The declaration must be dated and countersigned for acceptance by the individual concerned and their supervisor.


Author silviabuturca

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