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Unveiling Impact: Evaluating Horizon 2020 Projects and Anticipating the Evolution in Horizon Europe

As the European Union’s flagship research and innovation programs, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe aim to propel cutting-edge projects that foster societal advancements. An integral aspect of these initiatives is the evaluation of project impact, ensuring that funded endeavors contribute significantly to scientific knowledge, economic growth, and societal well-being. In this article, we delve into the methods and criteria used to assess the impact of Horizon 2020 projects and explore how this evaluation process might evolve in the context of Horizon Europe.

Methods of Impact Evaluation in Horizon 2020:

Horizon 2020 implemented a comprehensive approach to assess project impact, considering various dimensions. One key method involves the systematic monitoring of project outputs and outcomes throughout its lifecycle. This includes tracking scientific publications, technological advancements, and collaborative efforts between project partners. Additionally, qualitative assessments, interviews, and case studies are employed to gauge the broader societal implications of funded projects.

Another crucial aspect is the use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) tailored to specific project objectives. These indicators help quantify progress and success in achieving predefined milestones, providing a tangible measure of a project’s impact. Furthermore, the European Commission emphasizes the importance of engaging stakeholders, ensuring that the evaluation process incorporates diverse perspectives and addresses real-world needs.

Criteria for Impact Assessment in Horizon 2020:

The impact assessment in Horizon 2020 revolves around three primary criteria:

  • Scientific Excellence: Projects are evaluated based on the scientific quality of research outputs, publications, and advancements in knowledge. This criterion ensures that funded projects contribute significantly to the advancement of their respective fields.
  • Innovation and Economic Impact: The potential for technological innovation and economic benefits is a key consideration. Evaluators assess the project’s capacity to generate marketable products, create jobs, and stimulate economic growth.
  • Societal Impact: The broader societal implications of funded projects are crucial. This criterion evaluates the extent to which projects address societal challenges, contribute to policy development, and enhance the overall well-being of communities.

Anticipating Evolution in Horizon Europe:

Horizon Europe, building upon the success and lessons learned from Horizon 2020, is expected to refine and enhance the impact evaluation process. Several potential developments include:

  • Mission-Oriented Approach: Horizon Europe introduces a mission-oriented approach, focusing on specific societal challenges. Impact assessment may become more targeted, aligning with the defined missions and their overarching goals.
  • Open Science and Citizen Engagement: Horizon Europe places a strong emphasis on open science and citizen engagement. Impact evaluation might incorporate new metrics to measure the extent of collaboration, public engagement, and the democratization of scientific knowledge.
  • Global Collaboration and Partnerships: With an increased emphasis on global collaboration, impact assessment may need to adapt to evaluate the effectiveness of international partnerships and the global relevance of funded projects.


The impact and evaluation of Horizon 2020 projects represent a crucial aspect of ensuring the success and relevance of EU-funded research and innovation endeavors. As we transition into Horizon Europe, the evolving landscape presents opportunities to refine and enhance the evaluation process, aligning it with the program’s renewed focus on addressing global challenges and fostering collaborative solutions. By staying attuned to these changes, beneficiaries and stakeholders can better position themselves to contribute meaningfully to the future of European research and innovation.


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Author silviabuturca

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