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Internal Audit

The True Perspective.

Quality Over Quantity

Navigating Transparency: Internal Audit Solutions For EC Grants Beneficiaries

In the dynamic landscape of grant administration, ensuring transparency, accountability, and compliance is paramount. Based on our experience, numerous errors often come to light during the first level of audit, the Certificate on Financial Statements (CFS) audit. If you are not intended for CFS audit, then you may encounter the second level of audit directly, done by the CAS (Common Audit Service) – European Commission audit. There is a third level of control as well, done by OLAF (European anti-fraud office) – only when the EC notifies special circumstances.




Quality Over Quantity

Our Expertise


Mock audit testing

We offer a mock audit testing, where we will act as auditors and we will put you through the full audit process starting with the understanding meetings and ending with a report with recommendations in order to improve the management of the grant and not only.

Periodic testing

We provide internal audit testing services tailored to the needs of the Beneficiary, whether on a monthly, quarterly, or end-of-reporting-period basis,
covering all costs or specific costs as identified by the Beneficiary for improvement purposes.

We will test each cost declared for respecting the eligibility criteria, ahead in time, aiming to prevent any errors from being identified by auditors in the report.
The European Commission places high importance on the accurate application of eligibility criteria as it reflects the reputation of the entity.


Identify and assess risks. By proactively addressing these risks, the organization can mitigate potential negative impacts on the cost.

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Quality Over Quantity


Internal Audit Services offers impartial and objective assurance and advisory services aimed at enhancing the Commission’s conditions. It evaluates and offers suitable recommendations to enhance the efficiency of risk management controls and governance processes, fostering a culture of proficient and effective management throughout the grant management.